Friday, September 28, 2012

Lagos: the city of hustle and bustle!

     When I was getting my son ready for school this morning, he told me that he needed slippers for his swimming club. Guess what? His slippers were cut. I didn't know whether the shoe maker near my house would be at his stand by 7.30 am. To my amazement, he was. Usually, when I do school runs in the morning, I'm in such a hurry so I don't notice my environment. Today, I took a few extra seconds to look around and I saw IT! The Lagos bustle! Everyone was so busy: road side shops were already open, people were hawking products, children were being dropped off in school....

The bustling Balogun market in Lagos

A typical roadside stall in Lagos!

Lagos is really a bustling city: I don't know how many cities where the citizenry are up and about as early as 5.30 am!



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